K i n d n e s s
This page is dedicated to my great, great grandfather who wrote this letter to his daughter, my great grandmother, in 1865. This site is perpetually under construction.
Each of us can make the world a better, brighter place by simply showing kindness to everyone who passes our way. Irritation and impatience are contagious; so is kindness.
Kindness Resources
- Why be kind? Ten reasons for kindness.
- 100 Kindnesses: Ways you can spread kindness. Why not do at least one a day? The list doesn't have 100 yet, but it is a start.
- Life Questions: A poem I wrote about kindness.
- It's Too Dark Out: A poem about why we need kindness so much right now.
- Scripture: Bible verses about kindness or related topics.
- Quotes: Quotes about kindness or related topics.
- Books: Books about kindness or related topics.
Retreats and Seminars:
- Kindness Retreat This can be done as either a mini retreat or a shorter seminar. The difference between the two is that the seminar includes only the first and second talk.
For Kids:
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