The streetlights have been shattered by rocks of anger,
So we creep along in the dark,
Accepting the fruits of futility as the new norm.
It's too dark out.
We dress despair in prose
And exalt it as the art of the day,
Shunning heroes, heroics, and happy endings.
It's too dark out.
Cruelty passes itself off at TV comedy
And we watch and laugh
Then live that lie ourselves.
It's too dark out.
Irritation, vengeance and condescension have supplanted
Patience, peace-making, and helpfulness
And road rage and hate crimes are commonplace.
It's too dark out.
Stranger avoidance trumps curiosity and friendliness
In the training of our children
And predators cruise our streets and the Internet.
It's too dark out.
Children have more to fear
And less resources to deal with that fear
As solitary activities replace communities of caring.
It's too dark out.
There are more parts of the problem,
Than there are parts of the solution,
As hedonism conquers concern.
It's too dark out.
We taunt not teach, we crush not critique,
We step back not forward, disengage not embrace,
We shutter and shudder not illuminate and reveal.
It's too dark out.
© Copyright 2004 Gail L. Grant. All rights reserved.